Paper Dreams. The Lost Art of Hollywood Still Photography

Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 2007
Mit 48 Abbildungen. Film stills are a blind spot in the history of twentieth century photography. Largely collected and appreciated simply for their documentary value, only recently private and public collectors have started to discover their seductive and original artistic qualities. In the 1920s and 1930s, during Holllywood?s Golden Age, film-still photography reached an unmatched level of technical sophistication and mastery and developed an aesthetic style of its own. This book assembles a selection of vintage film stills from the Hollywood of the 1920s and 1930s - masterpieces from a large collection of film photography. Reproduced in their original format and in high-quality tritone printing, the book conveys the unique creative and narrative qualities of these pictures from a forgotten chapter of black-and-white photography.

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