Art Production beyond the Art Market?

Sternberg Press, Berlin 2013
Texts by Karen van den Berg, Pascal Gielen, Ursula Pasero, John Roberts, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Kerstin Stakemeier, Hergen Wöbken and Friederike Landau, Ulf Wuggenig and Steffen Rudolph, Merav Yerushalmy; interviews with Hans Haacke, Pablo Helguera, Caroline Jones, Oliver Ressler, Christoph Schäfer, Gregory Sholette, Apolonija Sustersic. Much evidence suggests that a fundamental reordering of artistic production and a transformation of the art field are about to take place. Heated debates have been sparked over new forms of work, public subsidies, and the expanding impact of the creative industries. Independent education programs, self-organized urban planning, artistic practices in the outer field of scientific research, and similar initiatives have unfolded over the last few years. This publication addresses this wide field, focusing on theoretical reflections and exemplary insights into alternative artistic working models. The anthology assembles expert studies and artists' interviews, in order to reflect on new forms of practices that have been established beyond the exhibition-gallery nexus and hegemonic market activity. These strategies in particular are investigated concerning their selfimages, organizational structures, networks, and economies and the potential for usurpation.

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