Ownership Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Contributions on the International Dimensions of Democratization in the Balkans

Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2003
Herausgegeben von Christophe Solioz und Svebor Dizdarevic. Bosnia and Herzegovina was the focus of a massive intervention from abroad as is inevitable with a quasi protectorate as well as a host of strategies of multiple importation. At stake were the countrys territorial integrity and the recognition of its sovereignty, not only on a regional and international level, but primarily within the country itself. After eight years of international presence, Bosnia and Herzegovina is still an aid-dependent country, and most aspects of social, political and economic life are now matters of the international protectorate-type intervention. In order to overcome this situation, foreign involvement must address Bosnian self-government and ownership with an adequate strategy, because the future of this country lies in its capacity to adapt the transition and democratization processes, the central aims being the restoration of the state and the reinforcement of its institutions. The book includes contributions from Wolfgang Petritsch, Sejfudin Tokic, Matthias Sonn, Christophe Solioz, Zarko Papic, Dragoljub Stojanov, Vladimir Velebit, Rajko Macura, Ermin Sinanovic, Srdjan Dizdarevic.

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